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Asked by Bode on Tuesday December 13, 2011 6:34:33:

Re: How can I transfer credit on MTN Reply by Sani adamu on Wednesday December 14, 2011 at 10:39:16:

Stages on how to transfer credit on MTN:
1.change(activate)password(4 digit pin) of choice via text messege e.g. 0000 0000 1111 to 777.
2.after stage 1. above, ensure that your account is loaded with the ammount you want to transfer.
3.go to messege and write text as follow:
Transfer follow by MTN number you wanted to transfer the ammount to then write the ammount follow by your 4 digit pin e.g(Transfer 08038048843 200 1111) then send it to 777.
4.wait shortly to recieve a comfirmation text from 777.
5.Reply: yes to 777, another text will be sent to you confirming your transfer.

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