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Asked by Samuel on Tuesday March 27, 2012 16:22:36:

I received a text message from 180 that I have won. Is this true? How do I know that I have really won?

Re: How does someone know that he has won the MTN mega promo Reply by Bolarinwa Obahiagbon on Friday May 4, 2012 at 9:48:45:

I recieved a text 180 claiming i won one million would wish they dont play games with my phone through the online staffs

Re: How does someone know that he has won the MTN mega promo Reply by Felix on Tuesday July 24, 2012 at 11:7:45:

You will most likely get a call or visit by mtn staff and not a text message if you really won

Re: How does someone know that he has won the MTN mega promo Reply by Me on Monday July 27, 2015 at 8:59:14:

u must read ur bible

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